Thursday, October 21, 2010

Time Travels

Isn't it amazing? Just blink, and 8 months have gone by. Guess that makes me a pretty typical blogger. Life has been crazy. David has been gone for 19 months now. He came home in March for a surprise visit for our 11th anniversary. That was wonderful. He's been trying to get into a new job with the military, and so he extended his time in Korea, as that was supposed to help him get it. Now, it turns out it didn't do anything but make him be gone from us for another 6 months. Sometimes the Army can be very frustrating!

We found out this week that he's supposed to be home in December, and that we're going to El Paso, TX, Fort Bliss. We should be able to get right onto base housing as soon as we get there. We'll be getting a 4 bedroom house. That's the biggest place we've ever had, so it will be nice to have all the room. The debate will be about how to divide up the rooms. Will any of the boys share? Will they all get their own room? If they share, who will get their own room? I'm thinking it will probably be a share situation, and we'll leave one room as an office/play room. Having a playroom sure makes keeping their rooms clean a lot easier.

Oh, I've been accepted into the Hypnobabies Instructor class. I'm so excited! The training is over a long weekend in March. It's in St. Louis, which was nice as it's only 3 hours away. But, now that we're going to be in Texas, it wont be such a short distance away. But, now there's snag...

There is an awesome midwifery school in El Paso called Maternidad La Luz. I've read about this school over 2 years ago, and I thought it would be great! I mean, what are the chances that we'd end up with orders to the same town? Not high. David is still trying to change career fields, so it's highly likely that we'll only be there for about a year or so. Well, the school is a year long, and it starts in March. I feel like I really need to take this opportunity while it's sitting in my lap. I can't do Hypnobabies and Midwife training at the same time. I need to figure out where my priorities are, and what I really want to do.

Hypnobabies training is quick, and I can start teaching soon. I would only have to work for a few hours in the evenings, probably only one night a week. It's not my ideal job (although I would love it), as my ultimate goal is still to be a midwife. My deposits for the class are not refundable. But I wonder if they are delay-able? Maybe they will let me just do another training in a year or two from now? Because, I can be a Hypnobabies instructor and a midwife at the same time. And, I can do Hypnobabies in every state. I can't be a CPM in every state. With us moving around with the military, do I really want to have to sit on my hands for a few years, waiting for us to get stationed somewhere where I can practice again? I think I need to call Kerry and talk with her about all this.

Midwife training is VERY intense for 1 year. We'd have to come up with tuition money, and daycare money. Donovan will have just turned 3, so maybe even a preschool would work. But I'll need someone that can watch kids at crazy hours. Although, David will be around, so he will be there for evenings, nights, and weekends. I don't feel I'm ready to be a midwife, yet. My kids are still young, and I don't need to work. Midwifery is something I want to do, not something I need to do. The hours are not pretty. And, while I can "set" them by controlling how many clients I take each month, the births themselves can last hours. I just didn't think I would be in this place for a few more years.

K is doing great in scouts. He loves it. He has earned his Wolf badge, several arrow points, and a large handful of belt loops. He turns 9 next month, and will be starting towards his Bear. It will be great for him to have Daddy back to do things with. He's been doing it all with me this last year. I had parent/teacher conferences today. His teachers love him, and he's doing very well in school. All A's and B's.

P is loving kindergarten. I know David thought having him repeat K wasn't the best choice, but it truly was. He is growing in leaps and bounds, and his confidence is soaring. He's really close to learning how to read now, too. He continues to be his cute, goofy self, and his teacher adores him.

D has started speech therapy. From the day he was evaluated just over a month ago, to this week, his language skills have boomed. He went from having a vocabulary of about 30 words, to about 60 now. He repeats sounds, is saying 2 word (and sometimes 3) sentences. He even says prayers every night now. It's so cute!!! I love hearing all this talking going on. He still gets quite frustrated when I can't figure out what he's saying, though. While he is talking, not very many people can understand just what he's saying. That is what the therapist is focusing on. D love it when she comes over to "play". He's also potty training...again. It's just sheer laziness on both of our parts that is causing it to not be done. So now, it's diaper only for bed at night. He stays dry during his 2 hour naps. His biggest problem is on drives and running "errands" with me, and when he's outside playing with his brothers.

Well, that's about all for now. Later!